What We Do?

Our primary service revolves around providing you with

Precision and Accuracy

Our team of skilled designers utilizes the latest CAD software to create precise and accurate designs. This ensures that every measurement and angle is perfectly aligned, resulting in a seamless and custom fit for your canvas product.

Enhanced Visualization - Our 3D CAD

Design allows you to see your canvas project in realistic detail, giving you a clear understanding of how it will look and function on your vessel prior to production. This will ensure you are receiving the finished project you had in mind. Also we have the capability to deliver canvas projects.

Runner and Flooring Mats

Whether you are envisioning a distinctive floor pattern or a logo-emblazoned entrance mat, our CAD-powered design approach turns ideas into reality. Utilizing CAD techniques allows us to deliver customized mat and flooring solutions that stand out for their precision, versatility, and aesthetic appeal.

Custom Covers

CAD allows us to tailor boat covers to your specific requirements. Whether you have a classic yacht or a modern speedboat, our designs seamlessly integrate with the unique features of your watercraft. We go beyond the ordinary in safeguarding your maritime investments. Our commitment extends to providing top-notch boat cover design services.

Boat Awning-Enclosure

By incorporating the latest technology, we ensure that each boat awning/enclosure is meticulously crafted to seamlessly complement your vessel’s contours. Embrace the future of boat awning/enclosure design with us, where technology and craftsmanship converge to create unparalleled solutions for your maritime adventures.

Marine Upholstery Design

Our marine upholstery design services encompass everything from luxurious seating and cushions to elegant interiors, all crafted to enhance the comfort and aesthetics of your vessel. We collaborate closely with boat owners, striving to understand their vision and preferences.

Before After

The journey of transformation

Are you curious to witness the incredible impact of design services on a boat’s appearance?


Years of Experience


Hours of Works


Projects Complete

Our Values

Why is it worth choosing RB Custom Design?

Experience And Expertise

With years of experience in the marine canvas industry, our team has honed our skills to deliver top-notch canvas solutions that meet the unique demands of the marine industry.


We understand that every boat or yacht is unique, and that's why we offer tailored solutions. Our custom canvas designs are precisely crafted to fit your vessel perfectly, ensuring a seamless and elegant look.

Optimized Material Usage And Cost

Incorporating digitization and design enables us to optimize material usage and reduce costs. Digital design tools allow for efficient nesting of patterns, maximizing the utilization of materials and minimizing waste.

Efficient Pattern Creation

Incorporating digitization and design streamlines the pattern-making process, saving valuable time and effort. Instead of manually measuring and cutting patterns for each canvas product, digital tools allow for precise and consistent pattern creation.

Accelerated Work Process

Digitization and design significantly speed up the overall work process in the marine canvas workshop. By accelerating the work process, we're able to deliver your canvas products promptly without compromising on quality.

Innovative Technology

Our studio utilizes advanced 3D CAD design processes, enabling us to visualize and simulate your canvas projects with precision. This iterative process allows us to fine-tune the details until the design is exactly what you envision.

Are you ready to makeover your space?

Our Process

Considering automation in your shop?

  • Digitization Services
  • Crafting the Ideal Product
  • Design
  • Pattern Development
  • No more bulky patterns taking up space in your shop

The process commences with careful measurements of the object’s dimensions and specifications. These measurements are subsequently converted into digital formats utilizing sophisticated 3D scanning tools and CAD software.

Upon receiving the necessary information, a new phase of the process begins. This is where the designer’s expertise harmonizes with the owner’s preferences and takes into account the potential of each individual component. The goal is to achieve a final product that strikes a balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal.

After the accurate measurement, the process begins with 3D modeling in a CAD program for production. This collaboration, which harmonizes design aesthetics with digital accuracy, culminates in a seamless fusion of both form and function.

Pattern development is a crucial phase in the process of boat tailoring. During this stage, the digital design and measurements are transformed into detailed templates that guide the cutting and assembly of the boat’s various components.

Pattern development is a crucial phase in the tailoring process. During this stage, the digital design and measurements are transformed into detailed templates that guide the cutting and assembly of the object’s various components.

  • Digitization Services

    The process commences with careful measurements of the object’s dimensions and specifications. These measurements are subsequently converted into digital formats utilizing sophisticated 3D scanning tools and CAD software.

  • Crafting the Ideal Product

    Upon receiving the necessary information, a new phase of the process begins. This is where the designer’s expertise harmonizes with the owner’s preferences and takes into account the potential of each individual component. The goal is to achieve a final product that strikes a balance between functionality and aesthetic appeal.

  • Design

    After the accurate measurement, the process begins with 3D modeling in a CAD program for production. This collaboration, which harmonizes design aesthetics with digital accuracy, culminates in a seamless fusion of both form and function.

  • Pattern Development

    Pattern development is a crucial phase in the process of boat tailoring. During this stage, the digital design and measurements are transformed into detailed templates that guide the cutting and assembly of the boat’s various components.

  • No more bulky patterns taking up space in your shop

    Pattern development is a crucial phase in the tailoring process. During this stage, the digital design and measurements are transformed into detailed templates that guide the cutting and assembly of the object’s various components.

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